MCLS2-CUSTOM Multi-Channel Laser/SLD Source Downloads

The following package is available:

  1. Software: Software package with GUI and drivers to control the MCLS2-CUSTOM, as well as an SDK for secondary development.
DescriptionSoftware package to operate Thorlabs’ MCLS2-CUSTOM 4-Channel Laser/SLD Source, including a GUI, drivers, and C++ SDK/LabVIEW library/Python module for secondary development.
Filesize34.5 MB
Only download from trusted sources, like Thorlabs, and always scan files before executing.

System RequirementsWindows 7, 10, or 11 (32-Bit and 64-Bit Versions)
Additional SoftwareMicrosoft .Net Framework 4.6.2 Full Profile or higher version is required. The install program will check and download it from the internet if necessary.