Software for Long-Wave IR Supercontinuum Laser

This installer contains the control software for the Long-Wave Infrared Supercontinuum Laser (Item # LWIRSC). It allows the laser to be powered on and off, provides a slider for changing the pump laser current, and includes temperature, oscillator, laser emission, and interlock indicators.

  1. Software: Software for the Long-Wave Infrared Supercontinuum Laser
Long-Wave Infrared Supercontinuum Laser Software  
DescriptionThis is the control software for the Long-Wave Infrared Supercontinuum Laser.
Filesize215 MB
Only download from trusted sources, like Thorlabs, and always scan files before executing.

System RequirementsMinimum:
Windows® 7, 8.1, or 10 (32 Bit or 64 Bit)
1 GHz Processor
512 MB RAM
32 Bit: 850 MB of Available Hard Drive Space
64 Bit: 2 GB of Available Hard Drive Space